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Moving In Together

The other night I was talking with one of my friends who will soon be moving in with her boyfriend and I thought, hey this is probably something I should talk about being that my boyfriend and I just got an apartment together. I know its a bit different from what I have been posting but maybe it will be useful for any of you guys considering moving in with your significant other. I also hope that this might be helpful to get some insight from someone other than... lets say your parents, because that's all I had since I was the first of my friends to do this.

We dated for about two years before deciding to move in together. We have had a very solid relationship and felt comfortable with the idea of getting an apartment together. When talking with my family and his they were both happy for us but laughed remembering their own experiences doing so. They both had said lightheartedly, "Just wait, you'll see. It will be an adjustment." Being myself, young and new to this, I thought "Yea, yea. We will be fine. We're a great team." But man was I WRONG. It was definitely an adjustment.

Think about it, you have your ways of doing things and they have theirs as well. When you're used to doing things a certain way and then another person wants it done a different way, it can be difficult. You also have to think about cooking and cleaning. How clean do you like to keep your space? Do they have the same standards? Also, the ways you clean such as using hot water where they may think its just okay to use cold water... especially when you don't have a dishwasher. I know these are little things, but they're things to think about because sooner or later these things may pop up.

Of course, this is just my experience. You may have a great adjustment period depending on your similarities or it may be really tough. Either way, have fun with it, as this is a new step in your relationship. Try to compromise (a thing I sometimes have a difficulty with) and see the positives in each other and how you are working together. Its been about six months and I must say that I'm very proud us both. Yes, we still have our occasional differences but we work it out and move on.

Good luck! Please comment below on your own experiences, I'd love to hear what you guys have to say and if you experienced similar thoughts or feelings : )


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Natalies Life Tips


Have Fun With Everything That You Do



Spend Time With Those You Love, and Hopefully Love You Back



Really, Dont Sweat The Small Stuff

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