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Tips To Stay Fueled, Not Fooled Throughout The Day

When jumping from one class/ to the next, it can be difficult to curb those midday cravings. While quick fixes are available on campus, they surely wont be fixing that credit card statement at the end of the month. Let alone, prevent all of that (healthy) food you bought at store from rotting away in your fridge.

After encountering this time after time, I have come up with a few easy tips:

1) Pick a day of the week to prep your food, and stick to it. For me, I prefer Sundays. With School and work throughout the week, the last thing i want to do is come home (starving) and have to make dinner. After a few times, this will soon become part of your routine and no longer will you have to remember

2) Don't just prep dinner meals. Chop up those veggies. We all have intent on eating them, but they're easy to forget and as easy as it is to chop them up, it still takes effort and time. SO, just do it. Pop those chopped up veggies in a container (not a plastic bag to get thrown away after one use) and pull them out for a quick snack on the go or toss them into a scramble or quick stir fry .

3) Everyone says you shouldn't skip breakfast, and by now, we probably know they're right. We have also heard that overnight oats are a blessing and 'super healthy too'. But lets be real, cold oats suck and no matter how many goodies you put into them... you're still going to be hungry about an hour later, if not earlier.

An easy fix: Hard boiled eggs. Easy to take on the go, packed full of protein and low in sodium. But, lets save ourselves a few extra bucks and boil them at home. Not those pre-boiled, shelled, rubbery eggs packed in sealed plastic baggies (Starting to see a plastic trend?). If you don't fancy hard boiled eggs, well.. just get up a tad bit earlier and scramble them up. A piece of peanut butter toast and you're ready to go!

Natalies Life Tips


Have Fun With Everything That You Do



Spend Time With Those You Love, and Hopefully Love You Back



Really, Dont Sweat The Small Stuff

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